J "Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova". 1993, Sep-Oct; 43(5):878-88.


The participation of the projection areas of the temporal cortex in the sensory support of certain forms of cognitive processes.


Mukhin E.I., Orlova E.I., Teriaeva N.B., Mukhina Iu.K., Nabieva T.N.


Brain Institute of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences,

105064, per. Obukha 5, Moscow, Russia.  


In neuropsychophysiological and biochemical experiments we study the role of the temporal cortex of the cat (AI, AII) in mnemonic, perceptive, gnostic functions, praxis, and the higher cognitive processes. The participation of the temporal fields in the mechanisms forming the gnostic imagery activity was shown.

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