J "Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova". 1992,  Mar-Apr; 42(2):295-301.


The behavioral effects of the destruction of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis in the cat forebrain.


Nabieva T.N.   


Brain Institute of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences,

105064, per. Obukha 5, Moscow, Russia.


     Behavioral experiments were carried out on cats by the method modelling complicatedly organized non-automatized behaviour with elements of generalization and abstraction- cats' cognitive behavior. By the results of fulfillment of test tasks by animals with partial destruction of the macrocellular basal nucleus, the conclusion is made on the participation of this formation in the structural-functional ensuring of complex integrative forms of activity - thinking and learning.

The suggested mechanism of drawing of the basal nucleus in gnostic and cognitive processes in the non-specific cholinergic activation of the system of structures directly participated in thinking and learning


Key words: Meynert's nucleus, cognitive activity, acetylcholine.


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