J "Defectologiya", 1998, #4, pp88-94, "Shkola-Press", Moscow, Russia.
Stuttering: review of foreign and Russian literature.
Nabieva T.N.
Brain Institute of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 105064, per. Obukha 5, Moscow, Russia.
Theoretical and clinical investigations identify stuttering as a disease with complex etiology and pathogenesis. Stuttering manifests itself mainly in speech motor aspects. One of the main parts of stuttering pathogenesis is disturbances of muscle tone and contraction synergism; dyscoordination between agonist and antagonist muscles of speech apparatus and larynx. Special section is devoted to electrophysiological investigations. According to numerous findings, there exist signs of paroxysmal activity in stutterers' EEG. Furthermore, theories connecting stuttering with atypical speech dominancy and specific interhemispheric asymmetry were analyzed. Morphophysiological and biochemical aspects of stuttering are being discussed.
Key words: stuttering, muscle pathology, paroxysmal activity.