J "Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova". 1992, May-Jun; 42(3):556-65.
The neuropharmacological restoration of cognitive functions in cats after damage to the forebrain basal nuclei (Meynert's nucleus).
Mukhin E.I., Nabieva T.N., Mukhina Iu.K.
Brain Institute, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 105064, per. Obukcha 5, Moscow, Russia.
The cognitive functions were studied on experimental model of Alzheimer's disease (destruction of the basal nuclei of Meynert in cats) using the stimulation and inhibition of Ach, GABA and DA brain systems. Ach system was found to be essential to form generalization function, DA system to improve simple learning and GABA system is involved in the forming of complex associations.
Key words: cognitive activity, Meynert's nucleus, Ach, GABA, DA.