J "Zh
Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova".
1985, May-Jun; 35(3):510-9.
Features of corticofugal effects of the motor area of the cortex on processing
of heterogeneous afferentation in the parafascicular complex of the thalamus in
the cat.
Poliakova A.G.,
Nabieva T.N.
Brain Institute of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences,
105064, per. Obukha 5, Moscow, Russia.
Evoked potentials to somatic and visual stimuli were recorded in the
parafascicular complex (parafascicular nuclei--centrum medianum--Pf--CM) of the
thalamus of cats anaesthetized by nembutal. Cooling of the motor cortex was also
used. The influence of the motor cortex on processing of the visual and somatic
afferent signals at the thalamic level was found to be direct but different by
its character. The motor cortex exerted unidirectional facilitatory modulatory
action of a tonic type on the processing of visual afferentation and general
facilitatory influence against the background of which particular excitatory and
inhibitory effects were seen which it exerted on the processing of somatic
signals. Episodically the motor cortex completely controlled the afferent inputs
activated by somatic impulses. The motor cortical area non-equally influenced
afferentation of the same modality forming the different components of the
evoked potentials in Pf--CM. On the base of our present and earlier obtained
data an idea has been formed of existence of a general principle of
differentiated influences of polysensory areas on heterogeneous afferentation on
nonspecific and association thalamic nuclei, and of realization of these
influences through separation of functionally isolated subsystems in descending
pathways. Each of the subsystems by closing separate thalamo-cortical circuits
might transmit signals of a single modality.
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